Saturday, September 27, 2008

Flossing is bad for you

I know this is hard for you to hear, but it’s true. There are some things in life we just hold to be absolute truths, primarily because some “expert” has told us so. But ever notice how those experts just happen to get rich off of us following their advice? I bet if you just finished a three-year orthodontia treatment and left your doctor’s office, crossed the street and went right into another one’s office, they’d put 12 cents worth of metal and two rubber bands in his mouth and ask for $6000. Wake up, people! My grandpa had a massive heart attack and probably could have pulled through…but medicare (meaning, YOU) decided to listen to a “doctor” and pony up around $100,000 for open-heart surgery and something called “angioplasty.” I mean, come on….if you’re going to make up a procedure at least give it a normal-sounding name. And after that guess what? They told grandpa he couldn’t even go out and work for months. What kind of “heart healthy” advice is that?? They tell us a sedentary life is bad for our hearts, but then after you pay them $100,000 to “fix” you up all of the sudden it’s don’t run, don’t work, don’t climb stairs??

So I went to the dentist recently and one of those “hygienists” went to work on my teeth. (Did you know that “hygienist” comes from Latin? The root, “hyg,” means “one who gets paid a lot for,” and the suffix “ienist” means “flossing your teeth.”) Now, these aren’t the most highly-trained people in the world. In fact, from my understanding, hygienist schools recruit largely from the pool of people who flunk flight attendant school.

Also, these are brutally violent, sadistic people. We tend to think of the dentist that way, but he’s actually not too bad. I mean, at least he uses novocaine. But the hygienist just goes right in there, scraping and prodding places that haven’t been touched in years, or since the last time you saw the hygienist, whichever is more recent (and honestly…come on….it’s years).

I think they have a lot of resentment because they work with a professional (the dentist) who actually does real work and helps you. Whereas the hygienist, as stated, just flosses you and pours you watered-down cups of Listerine. Oh, and the scraping. Lots of the scraping. So basically they’re using the oldest tools in man’s arsenal – a pointy edge and a piece of string – to work on your mouth. You could train an ape to do what they do. Actually, I think an ape would get bored in the job.

So the last time I was there, after making a prodigious amount of blood come pouring out of my mouth, the professional flosser started to berate me about, well, flossing. It is the only thing she knows, after all. So apparently I wasn’t flossing enough. She just went on and on and on about this, like, way over the top.

So after my appointment, not so much because I respected this woman’s opinion, but out of curiosity, I bought some floss and started to floss on a daily basis, every night before bed. Now buckle up for the truth collision folks….FLOSSING MAKES YOU NEED TO FLOSS MORE. It doesn’t help. It’s counter-productive. See, let’s pretend your teeth are like a bunch of sexy, sexy college girls. Okay, that seems a little off topic and I think I was just getting away from myself. Nevermind. Anyway, picture that gap between your teeth – any two teeth – and now picture no floss ever going there. No problem…they stay pretty much wedged together. Start flossing, however, and all of the sudden you're opening up these little nooks and crannies….floss for a few days and suddenly after breakfast one morning you’ve got food stuck everywhere and it’s driving you nuts. What do you have to do? Go floss. And by flossing, you’ve just primed your teeth for lunch…you might get a whole shrimp stuck between your incisors and your canines. Altogether now, kids…”vicious cycle!” It got so bad I had to floss after drinking orange juice! You can’t stop this…there is literally nothing you can do to break free of this Twilight Zone episode of dental “hygiene.”

And here’s the real kicker….my hygienist’s name? The one who got me started on this and even followed the first-time’s-free maxim of all dealers with a gratis mini-roll…the one who knew I would be buying spool after spool of dental floss? Kim Johnson-and-Johnson. That’s right…heir to the biggest flossing fortune in the world.

Don’t be fooled. Down with flossing. Let mine be a lesson to you all. And if you don’t believe me, think of it this way – have you ever, ever seen a dental professional floss (all answers from people who share a bathroom with a dental professional will be excluded)?

I didn’t think so.


Anonymous said...

Well, I have to say, I truly enjoy flossing, to the point where it is erotic. Maybe you are looking at this whole flossing thing the wrong way. I mean, you get to stand with your mouth wide open and then you get to pick out all the goodies you've eaten during your last meal; and if you like food, then its a whole nother Epicurean orgasm.

I really think you need to give this flossing thing another chance. I've seen what can happen to your pearly whites if you neglect them and allow the tartar to build up. It's not pretty.

I beg you, for nothing more than just a chance to smile at me, to continue with the task of flossing. It's not so bad.

Anonymous said...

Floss or die JJHY.

Bacteria found in tooth plaque build up and cause gingivitis (gum disease). If not treated, this may become advanced. The gums become inflamed (red and swollen) and often bleed during tooth brushing, flossing, or certain dental procedures involving manipulation of the gums. When gums bleed, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream and can infect other parts of the body. In the case of endocarditis, this affects the inner lining of the heart and the surfaces of its valves. The bacteria stick to these surfaces and create growths or pockets of bacteria.

Unknown said...

Is your "web log" going to be filled with more lies about our grandpa's health?

And for you're fyi...check paragraph six.

Anonymous said...

I am a hygienist. Go floss yourself. Seriously dont floss or brush! Drink a shitload of mountian dew too! See you soon...waiting with my floss...and lots of it. ;)

Anonymous said...

My girl has gum issues, so i took her to the dentist looked through all the broshures about periodontitis or whatever she says "i might have that"mind you to this day my teeth and gums are, she comes out the office crying that she does have it, dentist says she needs to floss more and the work is 5000 now I'm freaking out i get home floss my teeth and Bam,Wow....i now have gum disease.truthfully I've gotten gum infections every time i start flossing then stop and it went away God willing it does this time.thank you

Anonymous said...

are you sure that you are not making things up? you might be a little too harsh on floss.(did you know there is beacon flavored floss?