Monday, October 20, 2008

The medical profession tries to defend itself

A good friend of mine is a doctor and I'm sure he doesn't care if I share this bit of BS about the lungs (related to the post below). The med schools really brainwash these people, man. There must be something about the nakedness and the lungs.... I'm putting his text in pink, cause it's a gay response.

I do have to mention a possible explanation for the heart/lung examination and the body evaluation. When I was doing trauma (from a surgical standpoint) we completed what was commonly referred to as the "primary and secondary survey" and not limit the exam to the most obvious source of injury. During this process, we assessed all vital organs that could be immediately life threatening if they were injured, meaning her abdomen and spleen blah blah blah blah blah blah that'll be $300.

So there's their catch-all...anything might be get naked, let me check your lungs.
(Just kidding, Steve! :-))

1 comment:

A trusted friend said...

No, he actually made a very reasonable comment and then like a good friend I made fun of him for it.