Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The gayest thing I've ever purchased

I show how secure I am in my manliness to make a suggestion to you, my loyal readers.

There was a time when I was a washcloth guy in the shower. About 15 years ago I moved up to body "poof," which in hindsight was the onramp to the gay highway down which I'm now cruising (snicker...I said "cruising"). Now I have evolved into the next big thing in bathing. Maybe some of you have already been exposed to these, but for those who haven't they are wonderful. You wear these gloves and put the soap on them and they are very rough and scratchy and thus "exfoliate" while you use them to clean. I think exfoliation is mostly BS, but they feel really good and they really allow for a great shower. And when you're using them it just feels like some big, strong fireman is giving you this warm hug of a massage and it's just...just....sigh. They really wake me up and want me to get go-going.

Well, maybe it's the fourth gayest thing I've ever bought.

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