Friday, October 24, 2008

Please consider good taste before laughing at this web log

Have you seen these preachy email footers lately? The other day I got an email from a woman in my institution and at the very bottom, under her name, it said, "Please consider the environment before printing out this email." As someone who cares about so very little I sometimes respect those who care a great deal about something. But what a stupid, empty effort at making any kind of a difference about anything. I could print that email 50 times a day every day until I dropped dead and it's not going to make a bit of a difference about anything.

The email was in regards to me taking her some publications that my office had just produced, for her to take with her on a trip to Los Angeles ("before taking this cross-country, jet-fuel burning flight, please consider the environment"). So I printed out the email, taped it to the box, and sent it right on to her office. I would like the record to show, as you can see in the first paragraph, I did indeed consider the environment before I printed it.

As an aside, someone pointed out to me (me) that most of the readership here is left of center, politically. The range is from just kind of left of center, to past Marxism and out towards Obamaism. But you are all mostly the reasonable liberals so I know this heartless attack on the environment won't offend you.

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